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middle school 中學校。

middle stick

A preliminary study of the stress of middle school students 中學生心理應激的初步研究

So why don ' t you study in yantai no . 1 middle school 您為什么不去煙臺第一中學學習?

Study on core quality of middle school chemistry teacher 中學化學教師的核心素質探討

I study in class 4 , grade 3 in no . 5 middle school 我在五中初三( 4 )班學習。

On the research study of middle school history subject 看中學歷史研究性學習

An investigation on middle school students academic stress 中學生學習壓力的現狀調查

How to carry on green chemistry education in middle school 中學如何進行綠色化學教育

We have studied botany in our middle school 我們在中學的時候就學過植物學。

How to reform english teaching in middle schools 對于中學英語教學改革的思考

Multiple problem behaviors of middle school students 初中生多重問題行為調查

I live in bejing . i ' m a middle school student 我家在北京,我是一名中學生。

This middle school is attached to a teachers ' college 這所中學附屬于一所師范院校。

Open classroom teaching of middle school chinese 高中語文開放式課堂教學初探

I used to get up at six when i was at middle school 我上中學的時候總是六點鐘起床。

St . pauls co - educational college pooi to middle school 孔教學院何郭佩珍中學

He studied english at middle school five years ago 五年前他在中學學過英語。

Mental quality inventory for middle school students 中學生心理素質量表的研制

He was appointed the rector of the middle school 他被任命為那所中學的校長。

Yes , i worked as a tutor for a middle school student 我曾為中學學生做過家庭教師。